
Game Off

March 5, 2005 By Glenn Turner

Leaving the Game On exhibition earlier today left me feeling underwhelmed. While there's some great objects there to be fawned over, I felt there were some severe shortcomings with the exhibit. I'll surely go into some more detail in my write-up, but until then enjoy the following snazzy teaser pictures!

Poor Guybrush.
I don't know why someone would want to dress Guybrush up like Cap'n Crunch but ... more power to 'em.
Guess what this is? It's fun! Well, guessing is fun. The machine has a different allure.
Maintenance? But this exhibit just opened!
I hope said maintenance entails throwing away that cheap third party controller.

More on Monday!

edit: By Monday, I really meant on Wednesday. If you're looking for something to lay blame of this tardiness on, I suggest the turkey I got during this week's league bowling match.

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