
Bugs Are Viewtiful

January 14, 2005 By Glenn Turner

I've been playing a lot of Viewtiful Joe 2 now that I (finally) finished Metal Gear Solid 3 and mostly I've been underwhelmed by it. Mr. Riley has a full review coming up, so I won't go into it too much but the entire game feels like rushed mediocrity. At best.

Regardless, I've been going through the motions of playing it. Finally made it against the final boss. After about half an hour of cussing and swearing, I beat his ass, set aside my Wavebird and sat back to enjoy the fruits of my labor.

The Gamecube churns.

And churns.

And churns.

The damn thing crashed.

Bugs during the game I can usually tolerate (and there were a few). Bugs during a boss I can almost understand. Bugs that cause you to lose your progress after you've just beaten a boss? Frustrating, but it happens.

A bug that causes you to not be able to see the finale after you beat the last boss? Up yours Capcom. Take your sequel and stick it in an endless loop.

To be fair, it may be the disc - fellow Gamefly subscribers probably aren't the most considerate individuals when it comes to taking care of their games but, it certainly tops off this sour gaming experience.

Now I have to figure out whether I want to try and beat this final boss again, in hopes that it was just a one-time occurrence. Let's see if I can't muster up the effort before the mailwoman arrives tomorrow.

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