
Multitap #11: Studies, Half-Truths and Outright Lies

December 19, 2003 By Glenn Turner

Each week (or so) unitdaisy and peccaui take a sarcastic glance at the gaming world within the span of three questions. Why? That's just the way we work.

This week (approximately) eclipse joined our textual shenanigans for a little tete-à-tete-à-tete.

Analysts say that console sales for this generation have peaked - agree or disagree and why?

unitdaisy: Disagree.
eclipse: Disagree as well.
unitdaisy: I think price cuts will drive sales up again.
unitdaisy: And the promise of titles like halo 2 which everyone is wet in the pants about.
peccaui: My pants are strangely dry.
unitdaisy: Fine - Psychonauts for peccaui's pants.
eclipse: I think the nature of households owning multiple units now will also force it to continue to climb.
eclipse: We don't have houses committed to a single console any longer.
eclipse: So, though they may think they're reaching saturation based on customer loyalty...they aren't.
unitdaisy: True - and exclusivity of titles makes multiple console ownership a necessity.
peccaui: I would easily say the PS2 has reached saturation.
unitdaisy: That's probably true.
eclipse: Agreed.
eclipse: But GameCube hasn't because I don't have one yet!
eclipse: Gasp!
peccaui: And since for each Xbox or GC out there Sony sells 10 PS2's, we're going to see a big decline in hardware sales.
unitdaisy: So while software sales as a whole may decline - it will likely only be Sony's decline.
eclipse: I think the software for the PS2 will continue to grow.
eclipse: It has such a phenomenal RPG base that the other platforms don't have.
unitdaisy: But as more people buy Xboxes and GC's - titles that come out for all systems will likely not be purchased for the Playstation.
peccaui: Yeah, it has no reason to not grow - unless Microsoft and/or Nintendo is able to score exclusives.
unitdaisy: Well and there is EA Sports.
peccaui: Yeah, but the universal opinion seems to be that EA's online strategy still sucks.
unitdaisy: So we are all still prepared to spend money on consoles?
peccaui: I want to keep getting my consoles for free.
unitdaisy: Lazy.
eclipse: I am. Spend!

A new report states that computer games can actual help memory - have any instances where you think games have helped yours, or is this just another sensationalist article?

eclipse: I think there could be something to it.
eclipse: I know how I feel when I hear the old Advanced Dungeons & Dragons tune from Intellivision.
eclipse: Or the twangy Tarzan sound from Pitfall... Ahh, the memories it recalls.
peccaui: Yes, but that's not necessarily a game but a medley you heard ... a lot.
eclipse: I bet that puts you in some sort of euphoria.
eclipse: It's the actual playing though. Sitting down and running through the old levels - the whole effect.
unitdaisy: The article seems to say it was just the pleasant feelings the music triggered that stimulated memory - not the video games themselves.
unitdaisy: So basically, they are saying video games, just like everything from your childhood is nostalgic.
unitdaisy: Wow - surprise.
eclipse: I think you hit the nail on the head, Daisy.
peccaui: I'm pretty iffy on the results. Just because I can go through and play through Mega Man 2 perfectly without playing it for years doesn't mean my memory has improved - it just means that it's part of some routine that was heavily conditioned into me.
peccaui: 'Playing' the games is a very questionable statement on their part ... this really seems like a hell of a sloppy write-up of a study.
unitdaisy: Probably just an excuse to sit down and play games for fellowship money.
unitdaisy: I want to be the test subject today - no, i do!
eclipse: I interpreted it more as the fond memories and overall happiness helped with your current memory performance. It's a mood enhancer that helps you focus.
eclipse: I just think that any mood improvement allows for this
unitdaisy: Just like the euphoric feelings stimulated whenever i see a pair of moon boots.
peccaui: Yeah, but your memory seems to get worse every week we go out.
unitdaisy: Not enough moon boots.

Scientists say that gaming is as addictive as work, and 30% of Everquest players can be categorized as addicts. Anything new, or is this a tired tired story?

eclipse: I think this is nothing new. It's getting more attention because gaming is wider spread.
eclipse: We now have husbands/wives/grandparents addicted instead of just teenage boys who have no priorities in life.
unitdaisy: I have personally witnessed a break-up due to over-gaming and would say more loom on the horizon.
eclipse: It's like any other addiction...some can handle moderation some can't.
peccaui: Yeah, but we've all heard of break-ups due to stupid things, like how someone pronounces 'chow-dah'.
unitdaisy: That's it, we're through.
peccaui: See?
eclipse: I guess the largest difference is...you're really plugged into something like that. You can't do anything else while you're gaming.
peccaui: I can smoke, drink and type while I'm gaming! [ed. note - peccaui cannot smoke any longer]
unitdaisy: But I think the analogy to a work addiction is more valid than a drug addiction - or are all addictions the same?
eclipse: People use it to replace their entire social lives. It is their life.
peccaui: Yes, most people don't really think of work as an addiction.
eclipse: I think you're right Daisy.
unitdaisy: So I vote old story with validity!
eclipse: Agreed, peoples social lives are now vying for position with work and EQ.
unitdaisy: But, then again why shouldn't some people have digital social lives if it makes them happy?
eclipse: I think that's true, but as with anything it can go too far.
eclipse: Did you see that story about the woman who's child died while she was playing?
unitdaisy: Ugh - no i didn't see it.
eclipse: Yes, it was awful. That's addiction.
peccaui: Indeed, that's completely irrefutable.
unitdaisy: Except for the fact that the article alternately refers to the child as 'son' and 'daughter'.
eclipse: Indeed. I know people that have lost a year of their lives to EQ.
peccaui: And then there are the college drop-outs that get sucked into Diablo.
eclipse: I personally don't play any MMORPGs - period. Because I know I'd get sucked in.
eclipse: Yeah, EQ is different though. It's a life... not a game.
peccaui: And don't most MMORPG's have safety warnings and all sorts of license acceptance bits now?
eclipse: Yeah, they do.
eclipse: But, people just don't realize what they're getting into.
peccaui: That's ridiculous. Is there any reason why the players Shouldn't be held accountable?
eclipse: Absolutely not...they are totally accountable for their own actions.
eclipse: But, I don't think you know you'll get addicted to something until long after you do.
eclipse: Just like with any other addiction.
peccaui: Well, there are always the classic warning signs. Like burning down your house because you're too wrapped in a game of Super Mario Advance 4 to get up and turn the oven off.
eclipse: hahaha
unitdaisy: Someday they will have game addict recover centers.
peccaui: Well, they already have support groups for EQ widows.
eclipse: I think they have support groups for those "in recovery" as well. EQ anonymous.
peccaui: I wonder if their support group is based around the existence of a higher being, too.
peccaui: Here we go.
eclipse: Hahahaha... I worship Vallos Zek!
eclipse: It's like anything else. Those with addictive personalities or gaps to fill in their lives...will find addiction. For some...online gaming is the drug of choice.
peccaui: Yep - it's a fact of life and it's not going to go away any time soon. My solution: change your addiction for another. Your clicking finger need something to do? Smoke with it!
unitdaisy: I can think of better things to do with my finger.
peccaui: This horse is flogged.
eclipse: I think you are correct.

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